Individual Learning Plan

The Individual Learning Plan is a way to individualize studies for your child. The ILP will help you outline what curriculum materials you will want/need for your child and help you organize learner outcomes. The plans are organized in accordance with State Standards but can be adjusted to each student’s individual needs. This is typically discussed at the time of enrollment, and completed within 10 days of enrollment. The ILP must be completed using Microsoft Word and then submitted electronically. This rule may be waived due to the remoteness of your location if Internet services are not available. Microsoft Office can be reimbursed through the allotment.

The ILP is a working document and can be changed or have items added throughout the year. Quarterly reports of your child(ren)’s progress are used to see your child(ren)’s growth. Data-driven comments for each subject are required, but your contact teacher is always available to help with this.

This is an example of an AKTEACH Individual Learning Plan

Individual Learning Plan Form for Completion

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